
27  關於公司股東會之表決權,下列敘述何者錯誤?





28  關於特種買賣中之無條件解約權,下列敘述何者錯誤?

  (A)買受人得於收受商品後 7 日內退回商品或以書面通知企業經營者而為解除契約




29  下列那個地點的法院不是家庭暴力防治法規定之有關保護令聲請的管轄法院?

  (A)被害人之住所地  (B)相對人之居所地   (C)家庭暴力發生地   (D)相對人受逕行拘提地

30  以下有關勞動基準法所規定工時之敘述,何者正確?

  (A)雇主應置備勞工簽到簿或出勤卡,逐日記載勞工出勤情形。此項簿卡應保存 2

  (B)每週工作時數不得超過 40 小時

  (C)每日正常工作時間不得超過 10 小時

  (D)每二週工作總時數不得超過 84 小時

31 By visiting international websites, we can have direct       with the whole world.

  (A)contract   (B)access  (C)contact        (D)admission

32 The conference was initially           to take place on August 8th, but due to the typhoon, it was canceled at the last minute.

(A)scheduled    (B)signaled       (C) surveyed     (D)schemed

33 I think he was just     me. His compliment on my big success didnt sound sincere.

(A)assisting       (B)blaming        (C)engaging      (D)flattering

34 To         the risk of heart disease, you should start reducing your daily intake of oil and salt.

(A) capture       (B)hasten  (C) lessen  (D)reserve

35 His parents died when he was very young, so his uncle           him.

(A)adapted       (B) attached     (C) arrested      (D) adopted

36 He proudly states that having a happy family and obtaining a Ph.D. degree top his list of   .

(A)accomplishments      (B)developments    (C) illustrations        (D)probations

37 If more money is not      , we will have to shut down the factory.

(A) fulfilling       (B)forthcoming        (C)propelling    (D) enhancing

38 I wish I         that Anne was ill. I would have gone to see her.

(A)knew    (B)would know        (C) have known       (D)had known

39 The passage mainly discusses the plight of         species.

(A)endangered        (B)endangering        (C) is endangered    (D)being endangering

When we talk about “communication”, most of us probably think about verbal communication—that is, the words we use when talking. However, there is another important aspect to communication: non-verbal communication, which is communication done by using our bodies, gestures, and tones of voice—simply everything     40    the actual words we use. Actually, non-verbal communication is a rather recent field of study. Originally, scientists called this field kinesics, which is the scientific study of body movements used in communication. Movements    41    gestures, facial expressions, and posture. In addition to these movements, we also communicate with our speech rate and the volume of our speech. Non-verbal communication includes a wide range of actions.

The field of kinesics    42    a great deal to one man: Raymond Birdwhistle. Birdwhistle was a very famous American anthropologist. He predicted that about 70 percent of what is communicated in a conversation is non-verbal. It was Birdwhistles belief that the meaning of non-verbal behavior depended on the     43    in which it occurred. Because of this belief, he was very     44     looking at the whole context of non-verbal behavior—how and where certain types of

non-verbal behavior appeared, not just the particular behavior alone.


(A)as well as

(B) besides

(C) except

(D) exclusive


(A) point out

(B)refer to

(C) show up

(D) boast of


(A) provides


(C) grants

(D) owes




(C) consequence

(D) influence


(A)considerate of

(B)concerned with

(C) conformed to

(D)confined by

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    陳一夫 國家考試技術上榜團隊

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